It is the most frequently asked question What are the levels of health care? So the answer is available in this article. However, health is the complete physical, mental and social well being of an individual. Health not only necessary for survival but also for the disease-free state and disability. One should have the right to spend his life without any disability and disease. For this purpose, there are many health care facilities and levels in society.
Levels of health care
When we talk about What are the levels of health care? As a result, the following comes to mind.
- Primary care
- Secondary care
- Tertiary care
- Quaternary care
But the first 3 are the main and crucial levels of health. Moreover, each level is divided according to the facilities and specialists on the skill of the provider.
Primary care
Primary care is the first step in health care. So it is the prevention taken when symptoms appear. For example, you go to your primary doctor or physician. When you see symptoms like cough, flu and other bacterial and viral infection. In addition, you may easily find out the way for broken bone, skin rash and sore muscle. However primary care coordination with other levels of care and specialist.
Primary care provider(PCP)
Nurses, doctors, practitioners and physicians assistants are primary care providers. There is also some other primary care provider who cares for a specific group of people. For instance geriatricians, OB-GYNs and pediatricians.
Recently studies have proved the benefits of primary care providers. Because they encourage the health care services. Also, better outcomes befall. It also reduces hospitalization and emergency conditions.
Secondary care
When a patient has gone through primary care then it refers to some specialist. Now he is under secondary care. In addition, secondary care is simply defined as “the patient is observed by the most expert persons, for example, the expertise of specific fields and diseases”. This expertise and professionals particularly focus on special organs or systems of the body.
For instance
Dermatologist: deals with skin disorders.
Cardiologist: deals with heart and pumping system.
Oncologist: deals with cancer patients.
Endocrinologist: deals with a hormonal system for example diabetes and thyroid.
Moreover, secondary care occurs when your medical condition could not handle by primary care. So the patient needs a referral from the primary care provider. It is a more workable way either you go directly to a specialist.
Another reason for the secondary cause is that patient is referred wrong. For instance, by examining the initial symptoms patient is referred to one specialist while it was the case of other specialists. Finally, there are some issues that occur when the patient visits more than one specialist. In this situation, specialists work with a primary care team to sort out the issue.
Tertiary care
Tertiary care needs highly specialized expertise and instruments or equipment. Although the victim needs more care when he admitted to the hospital. Tertiary care contains the following procedures
- Hemodialysis
- Surgery
- Coronary artery bypass
- Plastic surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Burn treatments
- and also the complicated treatment of severe diseases.
This level is not available in the local hospital.
Quaternary care
It is an extension of tertiary care. So it involves highly specialized expertise. It is not present in every hospital. Quaternary care is for some critical medical conditions.
For example:
Experimental medicine
Uncommon surgical or diagnostic procedures
These services are available in a limited number of national or regional health centers.
Finally, there is enough information regarding What are the levels of health care? Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary levels of health care workers are existing in a society to keep the community healthy. Many health facilities are provided. These not only diagnose the disease but also cure that disease with related procedures.