Brandon Name Meaning in English

Brandon Name basically falls in Christian family. It is oriented from English name but has many meanings. Brandon name meaning is gorse-hill/fiery hill. it was derived from hill. It is a very popular name when it got listed in top 50 names of American in 2012. This name is unique and very popular for its variability. Brandon name again got popularity while listing in top Hundred American names in 2017. and you’ll be wonder to know that its still in top 200 names Lol. Here you can see its google trend:


How popular is the name Brandon in 2022?

It became popular in few years and according to our research some of it’s popularity reason is that celebrities gave this name to their children. Yes you are reading right, we researched it well. It’s 166th popular name in USA. Here are the celebrities list have Brandon name children:

  1.  Babyface Edmonds
  2. Donny Osmond
  3. Marie Osmond
  4. Marlee Matlin
  5. Pamela Anderson
  6. Tommy Lee

brandon name meaning in english

Where is it Popular?

Here we are showing live trend of this name popularity in countries provided by google Tools. Its popular in the following countries:

1 Mississippi 100 
2 South Dakota 80
3 Florida 40
4 Vermont 29
5 Louisiana 14

brandon name popularity

On researched basis we have analyzed that Brandon became the most popular name ever in world on December 2020. It broke down the google trend. There is also a very very informative thing which i consider not to tell because mostly people already know is that Bruce Lee was given the name Brandon as first.

Brandon Name Meaning And Origin

Brandon name that means in English is Beacon Hill / gorse-hill  that clearly describes the expected significance of the name on temperament. . People living within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, US, Canada, India, and Asian country will explore for detail concerning this name on-line with none problem. Find the right that means of the name together with the origin, gender, classification, and far a lot of concerning this enticing name. Here are some nick name suggestions for Brandon name.


Here are dome google related queries.

What is the biblical meaning of the name Brandon?

Beacon hill

Who is the most famous person named Brandon?

Charles Brandon is the most famous person.

What does the name Brandon mean personality?

Loves freedom and enjoy more.

Thank you so much for reading this till end, We hope you like this informative content. Help us by sharing . Because sharing is caring.

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