National Nutrition Month March 2021

Every year National Nutrition Month is celebrated in March. However, it has established by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Like other events, many societies and organizations celebrate National Nutrition Month. Besides in 2021, the month of March has started. The preparation for seminars and events is at the peak. It provides an opportunity for people to learn about food choices, a balanced diet, healthy eating patterns and physical fitness.


National Nutrition Month March 2021
National Nutrition Month March 2021

Food Groups

There are five food groups for example Fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products, Grains, Proteins(meat, fish and poultry, eggs) and healthy fats and oil. Although you should eat a meal from every group in a day.


Moreover, eat plenty of water to maintain homeostasis in the body. In addition, general recommendation of water is 8-10 glasses (1 glass = 250ml) per day. On National Nutrition Month there is a discussion on big issues regarding nutrition and diet. How the government can make policies and implement them at the national and international levels. Societies are working on small levels. They help the needy according to their budget.


Food Security

But unfortunately, there is a lack of food iityn different regions. Moreover, many people do not get enough amount of food to meet their 50% requirement. Poverty and the Nonavailability of food exist in the world. So the main thing is food security. Food security is the table the availability of food at any time, place and to every person which should be safe, secure and affordable.


Malnutrition is one of the major causes of an unhealthy environment and insufficient nutrients and calorie intake. National Nutrition Month programs are very informative and effective. Nutritionist and dietitians practice their work and design a diet plan according to the economic status of the individuals. Highlights on food issues and nutrients availability are the discussion topics. By adopting an intervention, we can change our health status from bad to excellent. Give time to your food and avoid any type of distraction while eating.


Moreover, the culture, tradition, personal preferences and religious things are under consideration while making a diet plan. The main purpose of this month to educate the people and spread information about what to eat or when to eat. This is the time to implement Nutritional Interventions.


Camping, seminars and meetings are the ways to promote health through nutrition. Stunting and wasting is the most common cause of low nutrition among children. Hence, aware of the people as much as you can through the above ways. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Skip added salt and sugar from your life.


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